Sunday, October 2, 2016

whats been going on then

whats been going on then

lots of stitching 

lots of circles

lots of mess

lots of charity shop browsing

lots of hexagons

lots of colour

lots of blooms

...and lots of new samples of summersville spring!!!
two weeks? how did that happen? sorry i disappeared from view...i wont bore you with same old excuses...instead ill show you some snapshots of whats been going on because im too lazy busy to actually write anything of interest. but i thought the last image in particular might interest you for it is a little peak of summersville spring. if youre a shop owner in the states, the reps have received it this week...not sure about everywhere else ill be truthful! i tried to get a good balance of colours across the collection and to include some new (to me) colours...hopefully youll agree that they work well? im so excited by this - ill be honest, its easy to get the collywobbles about a collection when you havent seen it for a while, but when these sheets were delivered today, i felt really proud...should be in stores by february in the states, probably march and april everywhere else. epp!

whats been going on then

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