Sunday, October 2, 2016

teaching epp! ekk!

teaching epp! ekk!

improv mini quilt for ray stitch workshop

after years of turning down teaching jobs i decided i couldnt turn down the chance to teach my portholes technique at the fat quarterly retreat in london in june. i still have a lot of enquiries about how its made and its one of those things thats easier to show than explain.

then things got quite interesting...annie from the village haberdashery emailed to ask if id like to do a workshop for the london modern quilt guild and i suggested they came here to me to learn how to screen print. its early days yet, but it looks like theres enough interest for 2 groups on 2 days.

since then ive been in talks with the lovely michelle at the beautiful ray stitich in london to teach a workshop on improv quilting using pieces of summersville. so thats organised for may. there are only 6 places on that one, so do get in touch with ray stitch if youre interested. and browse the utterly gorgeous website if you get a chance, it looks amazing, i cant wait!

so, look at me getting out and a bloomin professional and all that. (EKKKKKKK!)

teaching epp! ekk!

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